Search Results
Analysis of HPV integration sites and gene expression in cervical cancer using long-read sequencing
Vanessa Porter - How is nanopore tech unveiling the impact of HPV integration in cervical cancer?
Isabel Rodriguez: Analysis of viral and human oncogene expression in HPV driven cancer
Nicole Rossi & Michael Dean: Resolution of complex human papillomavirus and human sequences
Michael Dean & Nicole Rossi - Understanding HPV integration ‘superspreading’ events
Vanessa Porter: Novel structures & regulation patterns at HPV integration events in cervical cancer
David Symer - High resolution genomic analysis reveals genetic impacts of human papillomavirus in hu
Insights into the mechanisms and structure of breakage-fusion-bridge cycles in cervical cancer
Cancer 2.0: Integrating long-read sequencing technology and multimodal data
Bruce Patterson - Bioinformatics and Quantitative Genomics in Cervical Cancer Screening
Cervical Cancer: The many faces of Human Papillomavirus | Illumina SciMon Video
Lecture 4. Next generation sequencing in HPV research